This contribution is supported by Peter Hahn

New York is energetic, vibrant, adventurous, exhausting, romantic, crazy, ugly, beautiful and incredibly exciting. For once in my life I wanted to live and work there...
When I think of New York, countless film images wobble through my head.
Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in love on the Empire State Building, which King Kong also used as a climbing frame, gangster hunts over fire escapes, yellow cabs, ice skating in Central Park, Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex and the City, out and about in unspeakable Jimmy Choo high heels .

In autumn 2019 my dream finally came true. At the age of 57 I went to NYC as a Bestager model!!!
Which proves it's NEVER TOO LATE!
One moment I was strolling through the streets of Palma, the next moment I was already on the plane to New York.
Reason: The respected New York model agency "New York Models" accepted me into their elite circle.
Although I have agencies all over Europe, it was always my goal as a model to work internationally, i.e. in the USA.
My best friends in the daily "run through the city" are sneakers, my cool yet warm checked coat from Fuchs Schmitt, my casual, crease-free, breathable wool trousers in the Marlene style from Day Like and my dark blue cashmere hoody. from include. Everything can be ordered online from Peter Hahn.
I was super excited when I first walked into my new agency on 23rd Street and introduced myself. Completely unnecessary, as it turned out: My bookers from New York Models gave me a wonderful welcome and I immediately felt comfortable.

As a model in NY you walk a lot. When you're not working, you're rushing from one casting to the next. It's pretty exhausting and you have to look stylish and cool while doing it.

Moving to New York means a lot to me.
When I do something, I do it with all my heart and full commitment. I want to exploit my potential - in this case as a model. And yes, I confess, I want to be successful. Because I believe that if you do something really well, it is fun and gives you great satisfaction.

Maybe I sound too demanding, too ambitious, overbearing for some people. That may be, but I think that we women shouldn't be satisfied with "a bit of success is enough", but only with "completely and completely". Why not? For men, this attitude is natural. But we women can be just as ambitious, dare, TRUST success and show it.
Because honestly, modesty only leads to the back rows and ultimately to dissatisfaction.

Sure, my manifesto is a matter of course for many women today - thank God - but my generation, the 50 plus women, are often shaped differently. They have internalized their mothers' image of serving women. In order to change that for our daughters, we have to show them that their mothers can still peel themselves like an onion when they are over 50. Away with the old role models, the prejudices, the fears.
Let's show our daughters that it's possible to reinvent themselves at any age.

With this motto in my heart I will embark on New York.
Admittedly, I've got a bit of a muff.
Everything will be new and so much bigger than home. But is fear keeping me from doing what I want? No! Then I just do everything with a bit of jitters in my luggage. It's not that bad. And when fear realizes that it has no power over me, it will eventually flee. Simply that way!
New York, here I come :-). Let's see how long I stay...
