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Simone Jacob

One of the most common questions I get asked is "how do you stay so slim?". Well, I've never been fat, but there have been times when I've been noticeably rounder. Measured in kilos, I had a good ten kilos more and various failed diet attempts on my ribs. Today I have consistently distributed 60 kilos to 1.76. I've only been this slim and without a diet for about five years. Here is my slim enlightenment. It consists of two pillars:

1. No more bread!

For me, this meant a huge change, because up until then my diet plan had been relatively simple. Bread in the morning, at noon and in the evening, of course with lots of butter and cheese. I even baked my own bread for 20 years. So I was a real bread maniac. But bread is flatulent and has a lot of carbohydrates.

For me, this meant a huge change, because up until then my diet plan had been relatively simple. Bread in the morning, at noon and in the evening, of course with lots of butter and cheese. I even baked my own bread for 20 years. So I was a real bread maniac. But bread is flatulent and has a lot of carbohydrates. I wanted to leave that out. To compensate for not eating bread, I allowed myself to eat everything else - and by that I really mean EVERYTHING. No more stupid calorie counting. When my body cried out for chocolate, it got it. Chips, yes chips too. Roast pork with dumplings and sauce – bring it on. With one caveat! And here we come to point 2. The most important rule to get slim and above all to stay slim.

2. Two meals a day, no more!

And then a long break until the next meal. Between the last and the following meal should be between 12 and 16 hours. For example, when I eat in the evening, I like to have a big meal and everything I feel like – except bread – I skip breakfast the next morning. Depending on how you feel, sometimes lunch too. Most of the time I'm hungry around 2 p.m. and eat whatever I feel like - except bread. I love chicken, fish, avocado, vegetables etc. In the afternoon I treat myself to my obligatory cookies. I need them, otherwise I'll get in a bad mood. And then dinner again.

You can of course change the plan. Breakfast and lunch, but then skip dinner. For example, if I don't eat anything in the evening, I treat myself to a great breakfast with everything my heart desires. Fried eggs, cheese, muesli, and of course bread to go with it. Exceptions may be

My body has now gotten so used to this rhythm that I don't feel hungry during the fasting intervals. If my stomach does growl, I drink a lot of tea or treat myself to a latte. It's not ideal, but it makes me happy.

In the meantime, science has found out that this so-called interval fasting is the healthiest way of eating for us humans. Our bodies, which in relative terms have only been living in an environment where food is available 24 hours a day, come from a primeval era when people were only lucky to have food twice a day in the cave.

Intermittent fasting is not a classic diet, but simply abstaining from food for a certain period of time. Everyone can adapt how long this waiver should last to their own rhythm. The 16/8 system is popular. Eating is allowed for eight hours a day, then nothing for 16 hours. No annoying yo-yo effect and instead of "eat half", it says "eat in less time".

For me this system is perfect. But it may not suit everyone. For example, people with low blood pressure, physically demanding jobs, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children, adolescents or diabetics are not suitable.

So check if intermittent fasting suits you and then just try it out.



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